Christine DeSavino Photography

What’s Blooming this Spring?…a Baby Plan!

Here at Christine DeSavino Photography we’ve been working hard at putting together some exciting new plans to better serve our clients,
and we’re ready
to start announcing what’s now in bloom…

Blossom One: Baby’s First Year Plan

Beautiful newborn girl with roses - NJ Newborn Photographer

Many of you who follow my photography know how much I adore newborn sessions….there’s nothing more special to me than capturing the purity of a new little one.  The first few days of an infant’s life are so precious and endearing, but equally remarkable is the baby’s entire first year.  From holding up their head to rolling over, from beginning to crawl to walking and eventually cruising all over the house, a baby will grow more during this first year than any other time in their life.  And it goes by so quickly…

So to commemorate this treasured time, I’ve created a brand new plan that will capture and celebrate each milestone of a baby’s first year.

Here are the details of my Baby Plan:

  • one full newborn session within the first 10 days of birth
  • one full 6-month-old session (or around the time your baby begins to crawl)
  • one full 12-month-old session (or around the time your baby begins to criuse, this is the perfect time for a Cake Smash Session!)
  • optional mini-sessions at 3 & 9 months (or when your baby holds their head up & when your baby begins to walk)
  • optional maternity-mini-session
  • each full session is priced at a discount
  • each full session comes with a $100 complimentary Fine Art Canvas Credit, mini-sessions come with a $50 credit
  • the completed baby plan comes with a $300 complimentary Album Credit
  • over $600 worth of built in savings!


And in order to help our plan to grow…

the first 5 people who book my Baby Plan during the month of May will receive:


  • 1 free box of Birth Announcement Cards at completion of their Newborn Session
  • 1 free  20×20 Storyboard commemorating each stage of their child’s first year at completion of the baby plan

For full details and pricing, please call me at 917-697-1835 or contact me here.

And keep checking back as there are more buds about to burst here at our studio!


see all of our blossoms ~

see more of my newborn work ~

watch my “Best of Newborns 2010 Slideshow” ~


That special something… | NJ Children’s Photographer | Bergen County New Jersey

I had the pleasure of meeting these two adorable children not long ago…when it was a little too cold to venture outside.   They were beautiful, and I love the expressions they gave me…  For me it’s not always about the smiles… I mean, smiles are great and I do my best to capture some at every session, as you will see below.  But there is also something special about catching a more thoughtful expression that shows another side of your child’s personality.   I find these shots beautiful!  I guess for me it’s about capturing genuine expressions…nothing forced…no “say cheese” for example.  This older sister was a little shy at first.  She started to come out of her shell little by little and then once I started to photograph her brother, she got a renewed interest…funny how that happens with kids, right?

Anyway, this first one is one of my favorites…

Stunning girl peeks from behind a couch - NJ Child Photographer

An adorable smile…

Pretty girl in denim dress smiling - NJ Child Photographer

…but I just love her expression in this one!

Hands on chin - NJ Child Photographe

…and this!

Beautiful girl in profile - NJ Child Photographer

This little guy is so adorable and also gave us a variety of expressions…

Adorable baby boy sits up and smiles - NJ Baby Photographer

Baby boy crawling - NJ Baby Photographer

Love it!

Big smile - NJ Children's Photographer

Adorable boy - NJ Baby Photographer

What a beautiful pair!

Sister and baby brother on the couch - NJ Children's Photographer

Growing up fast… | NJ Children’s Photographer | Ringwood, New Jersey

I met both these kids as newborns and it blows me away to see how quickly they’ve grown!   This little girl doesn’t like to be away from mommy’s arms for too long, but we did manage to get some winning smiles while she sat all by herself!  She looked just beautiful in the Crewcut dress mom put her in for the shoot, and had lovely accessories to match.  I am loving her wind-blown hair, her little hands and that gentle smile in this first shot.   This is my third time photographing her older brother –  he gets more gorgeous every time I see him.  Just check out his big brown eyes.   Love the ‘do, too!

Beautiful girl sitting near stone wall - NY Child Photographer

Adorable boy stands by stone wall - NY Child Photographer

Close up of little girl wearing pearls - NY Child Photographer

Sunlit boy by stone wall - NY Child Photographer

Girl in lavender dress smiling - NY Child Photographer

Boy by stone wall - NY Child Photographer

Adorable girl smiling with lavender bow - NY Child Photographer

Boy with a little mohawk sitting on bench - NY Child Photographer

6 days old… | NJ Newborn Photographer | Bergen County New Jersey

Only 6 days old when I met her, this baby girl was all of 5 lbs when she was born.  Being so young and small made our session an easy one…she slept the entire time and was very easy to pose.  Her mother did a fantastic job with the girlie accessories.  This first headband with the leopard print was my favorite, and the pink bloomers a close second.  Dad was also there to lend a “hand” and with more than just the hammock, as you’ll see…  Enjoy!

Black and white of sleeping newborn girl with leopard skin bow - NJ Newborn Photographer

Newborn baby girl with pink bow & bloomers - NJ Newborn Photographer

Newborn feet with wedding ring - NJ Newborn Photographer

Newborn girl in pink knit wrap - NJ Baby Photographer

Newborn in father's hand - NJ Newborn Photographer

Newborn sleeping in hammock - NJ Baby Photographer

Mother and father hold baby girl -  NJ Newborn Photographer

Indulge me… | NJ Children’s Photographer | Bergen County New Jersey

Very often I prefer black and white processing to color.   Sometimes removing color also removes distractions and gives more focus to the subject. It is raw and pure and adds a timelessness to the image.  I decided that for this blog post, I would indulge in an all black and whites.  Two families with four cousins, came together on a sunny Saturday for one of my spring mini-sessions.  The children were beautiful and well-behaved and all the adults were happy that spring had finally seemed to arrive.  A very pleasant morning indeed.   Now don’t worry guys, there are plenty of nice ones in color too…

Black and white image of boy leaning against stone wall smiling - NJ Child Photographer

Black and white close up of beautiful girl - NJ Child Photographer

Black and white of boy peaking from behind a stone wall - NJ Child Photographer
Black and white of baby on a blanket -  NJ Baby Photographer

Black and white of three cousins on a bench -  NJ Child Photographer

A Room with a View… | NJ Newborn Photographer | Bergen County New Jersey

I’ve been loving all the newborn shoots I’ve had lately.  I love how differently each one turns out.  Each baby is one of a kind; each family has a different story; and every home that I enter has a style and feel of it’s own.    I like to incorporate as much of this as I can into each session to make it a custom experience…that keeps it fresh and exciting for me and also unique for my clients.  This baby’s parents had such a cool bedroom…I just had to use their purple walls as a backdrop.  Throw in some beautiful window light, a gorgeous dresser and a zebra rug and voila –  styling complete!  It doesn’t hurt that this baby brother is just a sweet as can be.   Enjoy the view…

Baby boy backlit by window - NJ Newborn Photographer

Baby boy sleeping by window - NJ Newborn Photographer

Baby boy sleeping - NJ Newborn Photographer

Baby boy in aqua cocoon - NJ Newborn Photographer

Baby boy sleeping on dresser - NJ Newborn Photographer

Beautiful girl holds baby brother - NJ Child Photographer

Rock-n-Roll Angel… | NJ Newborn Photographer | Bergen County NJ

Look how peacefully this little newborn girl is sleeping.  You would never guess that her dad lulled her into this slumber by cranking up a Pandora rock station.  That’s right, he said she liked rock music and cued up a station that played Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones and The Police to send her into la-la land.  Of course, I was happy during the shoot, but I would never have imagined a one week old would sleep serenely to the crooning of some classic Rod Stewart.  Shows you what I know.

I love her little angel face…I think some new sample canvases featuring this little beauty will be ordered soon – for me!

Newborn girl peacefully sleeping - NJ Newborn Photographer

Newborn girl sleeping peacefully - NJ Newborn Photographer

Newborn girl sleeping in beautiful knit hat - NJ Newborn Photographer

I love how it looks like she’s wearing lip-liner in this next one.  She is so delicate and beautiful…

Delicate newborn girl wearing flower headband - NJ Newborn Photographer

Beautiful newborn girl sleeping with red flower headband - NJ Newborn Photographer

I was lucky enough to catch some beautiful expressions while she was awake…and alert!  Just look at these eyes…

Beautiful newborn girl in a pink knit wrap - NJ Newborn Photographer


Christine is so talented, genuine, and was an absolute pleasure to work with. She captured all of our family and friends at the best moments, all of the fun we had, and every detail of our party. We could not be happier with the photos! We highly recommend Christine DeSavino Photography to anyone looking for an amazing photographer!

~Karen P

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