Christine DeSavino Photography

Introducing the Daisy Grip

I have some exciting news to share…my husband, David and I have been working hard to bring a new and awesome photography product to market. It’s called the DaisyGrip and it’s designed to help photographers and shutterbug parents capture great expressions from their children!

The concept came to us during one very difficult session in particular. It was with an adorable three year old boy who loved to run but was not so fond of sitting still ~ EVER! I captured some great action shots, but the mother also wanted some nice close-ups of her boy. The ONLY way we could coerce him was when David held his iPhone right over my shoulder and played Thomas the Tank Engine. BINGO ~ he happily plopped himself down and giggled away. Wow, we thought…not only was the session saved, but the concept of a brilliant new photography tool was born.

We searched the internet to see if such a device existed…surely it must! But we found nothing. And so began our work in creating, building, and bringing this new photography tool to market!   We designed the Daisy Grip to go right above the camera lens either by attaching to the camera’s hot shoe mount OR underneath the camera with a bracket.  Our goal was to create something ultra versatile, so we made it flexible enough to hold iPhones and smart phones of any size, as well as a child’s favorite toy, stuffed animal or hand puppet.  It is truly one of the most versatile tool for capturing a child’s smile!

We are very proud to introduce the DaisyGrip®:

DaisyGrip - For a childs smile

For complete details about our product and more of our story, head over to our brand new website:


Best of Newborns 2011 | NJ Newborn Photographer

It’s been another amazing year filled with wonderful clients and beautiful babies galore.  In celebration of the passing year, I’d like to showcase some of my favorite images from 2011 with a Best of Newborns slideshow…

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year!

Family time… | NJ Family Photographer | Ringwood, New Jersey

I loved this family…they were fun, relaxed and the conversation came easy.  The kids were adorable and we had no problem getting them to laugh and play and even strike a dapper pose or two.   The little guy was one and half, so when you put him down, he was on the go!  And I followed – hey, it’s part of the job description.  Then I finally smartened up and asked his brother to catch him, which made for some cute shots.

For this session, we visited the beautiful NJ Botanical Gardens, and this was before the freak snow storm wreaked havoc on many of it’s trees and plants. But our timing was good and the grounds were such a picturesque backdrop for this beautiful family…I just love the results.

Boy in cap by tree - NJ Child Photographer

Young boy on the move - NJ Child Photographer


Brothers - NJ Family Photographer

Beautiful family laughing - NJ Family Photographer

Brothers playing - NJ Family Photographer

Boy at NJ Botanical Gardens - NJ Child Photographer

Boy at NJ Botanical Gardens - NJ Child Photographer

Beautiful black and white of boy at NJ Botanical Gardens - NJ Child Photographer

Beautiful black and white of family at NJ Botanical Gardens - NJ Family Photographer







Exquisite… | NY Child Photographer | Westchester, New York

So many of my sessions involve soothing newborns or coaxing young kids that I forget how wonderful it is to shoot willing models.   These two were not only willing but each had a beauty that was unique and truly exquisite.  And sure that makes my job easier, but even still, I think what I liked most was the way they interacted with each other.  There was obviously a lot of love between them, but also enough teasing and kidding to make the results natural and fun.

Beautiful girl with flower headband - NY Portrait Photographer

Adorable girl poses on rock - NY Child Photographer

Portait of beautiful girl - NY Child Photographer

Beautiful girl by pond - NY Child Photographer

Portrait of sisters by a pond - NY Portrait Photographer

Sisters sunlit by pond - NY Portrait Photographer

Sisters holding hands - NY Portrait Photographer





Warm wishes… | NJ Beach Photographer | LBI New Jersey

OK…I know we just celebrated Halloween.  And on top of that we had a major snow storm…in some places we got a foot and a half of snow, and many in my area are without power from fallen trees and downed power lines.  Sooooo, I thought it only appropriate to inject some warm wishes into this cool, first day of November.

This beach session took place on the very last day of September…ya know, back when it was balmy.  These kids were adorable, fun and photogenic!  Mom chose some great outfits (love those dresses!) and as I’ve said before LBI as a backdrop just doesn’t get much better…

Black and white beach scene with children - NJ Beach Photographer

Adorable children on beach - NJ Beach Photographer


Girl sitting on beach - NJ Beach Photographer

Boy wades in ocean  - NJ Beach Photographer

Girl sitting on beach - NJ Beach Photographer

Siblings with starfish - NJ Beach Photographer




Spirited! | Newborn Photographer | Bergen County, New Jersey

This little girl was, in her dad’s words… “spirited.”  She woke up in between almost every pose and gave a good little cry.   Luckily, her dad was so fantastic at soothing her back into a slumber, that we named him “the baby whisperer.”   Mom and Dad actually came all the way down from West Point for their session …with a cadet uniform in tow! (It made for a great prop!)  It was really fun collaborating with this sweet little girl’s mom on the look of the session and the various props.  They also brought pink roses and hydrangeas for the session…I love it!  And, as you can see in the last shot, big brother was also on hand for a handsome portrait with his baby sister.  A beautiful family indeed and a fun session…


Sleeping baby girl in a bowl - NJ Newborn Photographer

Baby girl sleeps on cadet uniform - NJ Newborn Photographer


Beautiful baby girl with roses and hydrangea - NJ Baby Photographer


Beautiful mother holding newborn baby girl - NJ Newborn Photographer


Mother and father with newborn baby girl - NJ Newborn Photographer

Sleeping newborn girl with big brother - NJ Newborn Photographer

Comfy and Cozy… | NJ Newborn Photographer | Bergen County New Jersey

In my continued effort to catch up on my blogging, I’d like to share this little beauty from the summer.  This little guy was only a week old and he stayed very comfy and cozy for almost the whole shoot.  Mom also had the cutest selection of props and accessories…like this owl hat.  Say it with me….”aaaaaaw!”

Newborn boy in owl hat - NJ Newborn Photographer

Newborn boy in cheesecloth wrap - NJ Newborn Photographer

Newborn boy in mouse hat - NJ Newborn Photographer

Newborn boy sleeps peacefully - NJ Baby Photographer

Newborn boy sleeps on furry pillow - NJ Baby Photographer

Black and white of newborn boy sleeping - NJ Baby Photographer

And so just you don’t think he wasn’t having any fun…

Smiling newborn boy - NJ Baby Photographer





We had our first session with Christine last week. She took the time to come to our home and take pictures of our 4 month old daughter. She was so amazingly patient and professional. We received the gallery today and it looked amazing! We have already pre booked another session with Christine and cannot wait to work with her again. (Actually, this photo is from our second session!)

~Hanna K

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