Christine DeSavino Photography

“As They Grow” Yearly Plan

As parents, life seems to get busier and busier each passing year, and before we know it our babies have grown into young adults. Luckily, I have many beautiful images of my children over the years.  And I realize now more than ever that these photos are a true treasure.

So, I want to make it very simple and affordable for you to capture all the precious stages of your children as well with my…

“As They Grow” Yearly Plan!

As They Grow Yearly Plan - NJ Child Photographer Christine DeSavino

It’s as simple as this:  

Book within one year of your last session and your session fee is waived with the purchase of my top digital file collection!  Plus get a FREE 10×10 custom made coffee table album of your children after every 3 consecutive years.

Wow!  So, don’t miss a thing… capture your children at each stage every year.  And save at the same time with my “AS THEY GROW” Yearly Plan!  

Click Here to Inquire.

Or call: (917) 697-1835.  

Please note:  plan does not apply to newborn or mini-sessions.



Christine, I feel so fortunate that I was able to have YOU capture these sweet memories of my daughters' first weeks of life. The time you took, the warmth you radiate, and the beautiful images you produce are truly gifts.

~Merielle L

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